Backstage: Infrastructure Automation Using Templates and Terraform

Leveraging Backstage Templates and Terraform for Infrastructure Automation

TJ. Podobnik, @dorkamotorka
Level Up Coding


As I was grasping Backstage for the first time last year, one notable application pattern stood out: the focus on simplifying initial application setup. Whether configuring an HTTP Server or a Docker project, users could input parameters via a Template form, leading to the creation of a new GitHub repository with pre-generated code. However, I wondered if Backstage Templates could extend beyond their typical use, given their role in bridging the gap between application developers and infrastructure expertise. In this post, we’ll explore a scenario where Backstage Templates are used to streamline the generation of GCP service accounts within an existing Terraform-managed infrastructure. This approach aims to provide a seamless experience for application developers while reducing the workload for infrastructure administrators.

Source: Backstage Docs

First off, why automate this?

To be honest, the true advantages of this approach become apparent at scale, where it significantly boosts productivity for application developers and saves precious time for infrastructure administrators. By automating repetitive tasks, we alleviate the burden on administrators who are constrained by finite resources. With streamlined processes, such as reducing the time to review requests to a mere 10 seconds and a single click, Backstage templates make managing requests manageable, regardless of their volume.

Let’s delve into a typical scenario encountered by infrastructure administrators and the steps required to address it.

When There’s NO Automation

As an application developer or a user of cloud infrastructure, obtaining permissions for accessing specific resources like databases or PubSub topics typically involves several steps:

  1. Requesting Permissions: The need for access prompts you to reach out to an infrastructure admin.
  2. Waiting for Response: The admin may take hours or even days to respond to your request.
  3. Frustration and Delay: During the waiting period, frustration builds as you’re unable to progress with your task and are forced to postpone it.
  4. Revisiting the Issue: After some time has passed, you return to the request to follow up.
  5. Received Permissions: Finally, you receive the permissions, but they may not be sufficient due to either underestimating the required permissions or administrative errors.
  6. Repeating the Cycle: You’re forced to go through the cycle again, requesting additional permissions or corrections.
  7. Resolution: After multiple iterations and potentially a week or more, the task is finally resolved.

These occurrences, though not ideal, are common, especially when administrators are overwhelmed or rushed. However, implementing a solution like Backstage can help streamline and expedite this process, making it more efficient for all parties involved.

When There IS Automation

Let’s walk through the same scenario with the proposed solution:

  1. Requesting Permissions: You realize the need for permission to a specific cloud resource.
  2. Configuring Permission Resource: Instead of reaching out to an admin, you configure the permission resource yourself using Backstage Templates.
  3. Pipeline Validation: Your request passes through a pipeline that validates whether it’s accessing a highly secure resource.
  4. Automatic Fulfillment or Admin Approval: If the resource isn’t highly secure, your request is automatically fulfilled, allowing you to proceed with your work. However, if the resource is highly secure, your request requires approval from the admin.
  5. Resolution: Depending on the outcome, your request is either automatically fulfilled or awaits approval from the admin. If approved, you’re granted the necessary permissions, and you can continue with your tasks.

While this process still involves some waiting, the workload for the admin is significantly reduced, mainly limited to reviewing requests. If your request is fulfilled automatically, it benefits everyone involved. Now, let’s delve into the code to understand how this solution can be implemented in practice.

⚠️ Note: The following code requires a basic understanding of Backstage, Terraform and GCP, which we can’t fully cover here due to space constraints. This implementation serves as a practical demonstration of the discussed solution and can be customized to meet your specific needs.

Backstage Templates

I won’t dive too much into Backstage, but essentially one of the features it offers on the GUI is to fill a form which behind the scenes generates some code in whatever language you prefer — in our case, Terraform. This code can then be arbitrarily fed into any sort of pipeline, or just a simple PR, which, depending on the platform, can automatically trigger a GitHub Action, CloudBuild, or whatever you configure. Configuring stuff on the VCS platform side is slightly off-topic in this post, but let’s look at a simple Backstage template that generates a GCP service account with required permissions or roles.

Programmatically, it looks like this — Backstage really does a good job of providing a convenient way of configuring the Templates with many different options.

kind: Template
name: gcp-service-account-tmpl
title: GCP Service Account Template
description: This template generates a Terraform file for GCP Service Account and opens a PR in BitBucket
- gcp
- terraform
- title: Documentation
icon: docs
# The main purpose of this field is for display purposes in Backstage, so that
# people looking at catalog items can get an understanding of to whom this Template belongs.
# It is not to be used by automated processes to for example assign authorization in runtime systems.
owner: you
# The type of component created by the template, e.g. website. This is used for filtering templates, and
# should ideally match the Component spec.type created by the template.
type: gcp_resource

# Ref:
- title: Fill in some steps
- name
- display_name
title: Name
type: string
pattern: '^[a-z-]+$' # Only lower letters and "-"
description: Unique name for your Service Account
title: Description
type: string
maxLength: 100
description: Provide a short description
title: Roles
type: array
pattern: '^[a-zA-Z.]+$' # Only upper/lower letters and "."
addable: true
orderable: false
removable: true
type: string
description: "Reference:"
title: Permissions
type: array
pattern: '^[a-zA-Z.]+$' # Only upper/lower letters and "."
addable: true
orderable: false
removable: true
type: string
title: permission
description: "Reference:"
title: Bindings
description: "Reference:"
type: array
addable: true
orderable: false
removable: true
type: object
title: Binding
- role
- members
type: string
default: "iam.workloadIdentityUser"
description: "Reference:"
type: array
title: Members
type: string
- title: Location & Ownership
- project
- owner
title: Project
type: string
description: Choose a GCP Project
enum: [
title: Owner
type: string
description: Owner of the component
ui:field: OwnerPicker
kind: User

- id: tf-template
name: Create a Terraform file for GCP Service Account
action: fetch:template
url: ./skeleton
targetPath: ./outputs
name: ${{ }}
display_name: ${{ parameters.display_name }}
roles: ${{ parameters.roles }}
permissions: ${{ parameters.permissions }}
bindings: ${{ parameters.bindings }}
owner: ${{ parameters.owner }}

- id: rename
name: Rename template files
action: fs:rename
- from: ./outputs/
to: ./outputs/${{ }}
- from: ./outputs/catalog-info.yaml
to: ./outputs/${{ }}-component-info.yaml

- id: github_pr
name: Create GitHub PR
action: publish:github:pull-request
repoUrl: <repository-url>
branchName: '${{ parameters.environment }}'
# Ref: - but apparently not yet available
update: true
title: '🔩 Create ${{ }} GCP Service Account'
description: |
## Creating GCP Service Account ${{ }}

This is an initial pull request to create an GCP Service Account and was created based on the Backstage template.

*created by: Backstage 👷‍♂️⚙️👷‍♀️
sourcePath: ./outputs
targetPath: 'projects/${{ parameters.environment }}/resources'

- id: label_pr
name: Add labels to PR
action: github:issues:label
repoUrl: <repository-url>
number: '${{ steps.github_pr.output.pullRequestNumber }}'
- terraform
- created-by-backstage
- ${{ parameters.environment }}
- gcp

- title: 'Go to pull request :D'
url: ${{ steps.github_pr.output.remoteUrl }}
icon: github

Visually, this concept would manifest as follows:

By completing the form above you’d can generate the following terraform file:

module "${{ }}_service_account" {
source = "../../../modules/service_account"
project = local.project
name = "${{ }}"
display_name = "${{ values.display_name }}"
roles = ${{ values.roles }}
permissions = ${{ values.permissions }}
bindings = ${{ values.bindings }}

(Optional) If you wish to track the generated resources in Backstage, you can also create the following file alongside:

kind: Resource
metadata: "${{ }}-service-account"
type: service-account
owner: ${{ values.owner }}
system: terraform-infra

Templates, aside from inputting specific variables, offer a range of actions, including generating code with your variables, submitting a PR to your preferred VCS, or even creating a webhook. This flexibility means you’re not limited to initializing new repositories or projects from the template. Instead, you can open a PR to create and add a file in a certain directory of your existing repository. This capability essentially allows you to template any independent component on top of your deployed infrastructure.


The example with Backstage Templates may seem somewhat specific, but I believe it holds immense potential to enhance the productivity of developer teams. We’re only scratching the surface of its various applications, yet it has already proven to save significant time and has become an indispensable tool for large-scale software companies striving to maximize productivity.

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