Member-only story
Why do I dislike Medium?
Medium just lacks some features
I’ve been using Medium for over a year now and probably like many of you I also tried other blogging platforms to weigh up which suits me best. I still think that’s Medium but there are a couple of features missing that I’d find great value in it.
As probably every blogger, I also experienced that someone has unfollowed me and in my opinion, it would be great to know who and potentially ask him why? How did I make my follower, dislike my posts? Did I completely lose track and wrote about another niche that doesn’t interest him? It’s not about trying to bring the person back into your club, but it’s about getting to know better your audience. Who do you attract and who do you repel?
The amount of time members spend reading your posts is one of the main variables in the equation of monthly earnings but Medium still fails to provide a nice graph that would show the AGGREGATED member reading time of ALL the stories. Don’t get me wrong, there are very informative graphs for each separate story but I would prefer to have one that sums it all up so I can correlate it to my monthly earnings.
I often tend to update the title of my stories if I don’t see the number of views popping, but still, when I do so, the story title fails to update on all screens. Therefore the same story has…