Member-only story
There’s no reason in today’s world not to be creating content online.
Let me convince you
Whether you’re in high school, no school, at the university, doing a full-time job, living by passive income, or none of that, there’s a good reason why you should consider content-sharing on the web.
Do you remember those awesome projects you did back in high school or the cool experiments during the chemistry lecture? What about the emotional ups and downs you experienced, or the milestones you worked hard for and achieved? Maybe you attended the concert of your favorite singer or had a good laugh in the theatre? Or met an extraordinary person that changed your life?
I’m pretty sure, depending upon how old the memories are, the more blurry they seem ie. the less you remember them. I’m talking about the details, how you perceived it, what you felt about it, why you find it interesting, and why you think sharing it with people would inspire them to try it too.
Here’s your reason. Whatever you experienced, you’re experiencing, or will experience will eventually be forgotten, but at that particular moment it’s fruitful, it’s challenging, it’s emotional, it’s unique.
To illustrate this, consider 9/11. People tend to start their stories of these events with the words, “I remember exactly where I…